Captain America: Civil War is coming out next month and the Marvel Database is getting hyped. The movie will feature some big battles with Avengers fighting each other, so there’s already been a lot of debate. Who’s gonna win, Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Who would win in a fight between all of the Avengers? Inspired by these conversations, we’re holding a Civil War bracket tournament to decide the greatest Avenger in Marvel history. It was hard narrowing it down to 64 out of the 120+ Avengers, but we tried to pick the ones who made the most sense (sorry, D-Man). You can vote below, but click on this link to the Marvel Database if you want to debate nerds in the comments!
Breaking it Down
We tried to structure this so that the match-ups would be as fair as possible, and so we’d get some great fights out of it. That meant grouping a lot of the biggest heavy-hitters into the first quadrant so the more specialized characters would have a chance to shine. We didn’t want the entire tournament to be overrun by differently colored Hulks. Some of the pairings are obvious and some are a little weirder. I knew I wanted to see if Red Hulk could take down the Sentry. I was worried Deadpool might steamroll everyone on sheer popularity, so I put him up against Wolverine. Then if he beats Wolverine he might have Squirrel Girl to look out for!
I had to have Hulkling fight Wiccan to the death, because I am a monster and your tears are like sweet candy to me. I also had to give the ‘All-New, All-Different’ Avengers their own spotlight so it made sense to have Miles Morales fight Kamala Khan. Personally, I am rooting for Squirrel Girl to come from behind and take everything, because I STILL BELIEVE THERE IS MAGIC IN THIS WORLD DAMMIT.
Squirrel Girl > Everyone
Vote Here!
Thanks for reading! For more information on Captain America: Civil War and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, check out the Marvel Database on Wikia!