Fate/Grand Order
Dive into the captivating universe of Fate/Grand Order, a mobile online RPG from the expansive Fate series. Originating from the visual novel Fate/stay night, this universe has grown to include anime adaptations, manga, light novels, and even a theatrical film. The game revolves around the Chaldea Security Organization's mission to prevent the extinction of humanity using Servants, historical and mythological figures summoned for battle. Key characters include the protagonist Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, and a diverse roster of Servants from different classes.
Fate/Grand Order's storyline is renowned for its complexity and depth, with epic battles, time travel, and alternate realities. The game's gacha system, character designs, and lore are popular topics among fans. The community is vibrant, with discussions, fan theories, reviews, and fan art shared globally. Fans connect over their favorite Servants, memorable story arcs, and the thrill of summoning. Whether you're a seasoned Master strategizing for the next event or a newcomer just starting your journey, the world of Fate/Grand Order welcomes you.