Second Chance Heroes Prepares for Beta Weekend #3

Gaming News
Gaming News

Second Chance Heroes has announced this coming weekend, July 6th-7th, as the third in their series of beta Weekends. Starting at 10:00 am on Saturday and ending 10:00 pm on Sunday, Applicants and testers who have been selected for the test will be notified by email throughout the week. If you are interested in being a part of this Beta test, volunteers can use the beta portal at to apply.

For previous testers, this Beta will pick up from the last one; progress and items will be saved. Two new levels have been added to underground Hobo Colony, a new character will join the current six, and new relics have been added for discovery. In addition to bug fixes and improvements, several unannounced features are planned for reveal.

A client will be available to chosen testers later this week through the My Account page. The Steam Greenlight page for Second Chance Heroes can be found at