Xbox One Launches!

Gaming News
Gaming News

This year has been surrounded with excitement, especially after we saw what was to come at E3 this summer. Not only were we given a glimpse of the games that would be releasing this year, but next generation consoles were by far the highlight of the yearly expo! We’ve seen the launch of the PS4 and now it is time for the Xbox One to shine. This launch, with out a doubt, has been highly anticipated! Games have made exclusivity deals as well to either be Xbox One only, or have content exclusive for the console.

We at Gamepedia have been exceptionally happy to see how impressive the community is with showing off their skills in our recently run contest for next generation consoles and related games! Not only have wikis such as The Division Wiki, Destiny Wiki and Ryse Wiki had recent overhauls and tons of community created content added, but the Madden 25 Wiki has exclusive data to Gamepedia and we recently announced The Official Titanfall Wiki! Be sure to see what your fellow community members have been up to, and if you’d like to join in as a contributor, have a look at the Help Wiki for tips and tutorials!

Thanks again to the amazing Gamepedia community for continuing to make all of the wikis here so incredible!