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Gaming News

Anthem officially launches today, but players with Origin Access Premier (a $15 monthly subscription) have been playing in the Early Access period since the 15th of February. The official launch brings with it a new patch that aims to address many of the issues found in Early Access, which means that players hopping in today will have a smoother experience than those who had Origin Access Premiere.

Anthem is an online story-based RPG shooter with a focus on co-op gameplay, and players who want to play solo will be able to do so with only a few moments of progression requiring at least one other player. Thankfully there is a matchmaking system for every activity in the game! 

Quick-Start Guide

We’ve provided a few quick-tips below for players who are jumping into Anthem for the first time, and who haven’t been able to play during any of the beta periods before launch.

  • Once you complete the introduction, you will be given the option of unlocking a Javelin of your choice—either the Storm, Ranger, Colossus, or Interceptor. Upon reaching levels 8, 16, and 26, you’ll be given the option of unlocking another Javelin of your choice.
  • While flying around in your Javelin you will begin to slowly accumulate heat, and once your heat reaches max you will be unable to fly for several seconds. Diving hard while in the air or flying close to the surface of water or through waterfalls will cool your Javelin, allowing you to fly for much longer periods of time!
  • Your Javelin abilities can combo and create highly damaging detonations. To do so you must first prime the target with a priming ability before using a detonator ability. Priming abilities are marked with a circle in the customization menu, and detonators are marked with a star. When playing with a team, learn which of your allies’ abilities either prime or detonate so you can more effectively dismantle the enemy!

Post Launch Content

Anthem already has a post launch content plan laid out, which has historically been the weakest part of these types of games–such as Destiny and The Division. These content updates will be free, and will add to the story of Anthem in a way that changes the world significantly!


For more information on Anthem, be sure to visit our Wiki and check back for more content from Gamepedia!