Wiki Spotlight: Terraria

Gaming News
Gaming News

One truly remarkable community creation is the Terraria Wiki, which comes in several different languages! Together, these Terraria wikis comprise roughly 30,000 articles and 175,000 edits from 15,000 community members!

Terraria offers a rich 2-D gaming experience with crafting, pvp, dungeon crawling, random events, unlocking NPCs, dueling, pets, exploration, building and combat! Developed by Re-Logic and console published by 505 Games, Terraria is available through Steam, Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network. Steam players may now participate in the Steam trading card game and earn cards randomly throughout gameplay!

Interested in joining the Terraria Wiki community? Check out the help and wiki rules pages for tips on becoming a contributor! Every wiki hosted at Gamepedia is for and by the community, meaning we wouldn’t be where we are without you!