The Official Of Guards and Thieves Wiki!

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Currently in open beta (sign-up here!), we’d like to announce our Official Of Guards and Thieves Wiki. Of Guards and Thieves is a fast-paced action title that features unique gameplay and different objectives being developed by Subvert Games. Played from a top-down perspective, thieves must navigate a dark building with night vision goggles, as they attempt to steal certain objects. Such audacity won’t likely go completely unnoticed, however, as guards scour the scene in search of the stealthy burglars.


Guards are more heavily armed and armored than the thieves, but they have limited sight range given their use of flashlights. Thieves, in addition to being much faster and having better vision, can sneak through windows, whereas the guards can only use doors. Overt aggression is an option for thief players, but not recommended against the high-power-rifle-toting guards.

Currently, Of Guards and Thieves is exclusively PvP, with AI being added at a later date. I would recommend this game for anyone with a group of friends that enjoy a weekend of gaming, it can get pretty intense and inspires more than a couple laughs at times. For more information, check out the wiki, and to keep up with current content on all things gaming be sure to follow us on Twitter @CurseGamepedia and like us on Facebook! Happy hunting gamers!