Earthlock Monster Concept Winner Announced!

Gaming News
Gaming News

This is one of the most unique and creative contests we’ve hosted at Gamepedia, with dozens of amazing ideas submitted! The developer had this to say:

“The monster design competition we ran during our Kickstarter campaign in collaboration with Curse [] has come to an end, and we’ve had a blast looking through all the entries! We are very excited to announce the winner, who will be working with Snowcastle’s artists to refine the idea and have the monster appear in Earthlock!

The winner is: Julien Lesieur and his Desert Sharpshooter monster!

The Desert Sharpshooter, ended up our favourite after careful deliberation. We felt that Julien had really gotten a good grip on our world and has thought out something that just fits.

Congratulations Julien! We are excited to work with you!

Honourable mentions to:

  • Lai Qian Yi and the Pure White Dragon
  • Jessica and the Walking Hill

You guys have also shown real thoughtfulness in your designs! Thank you so much for your submissions and inspiration!”

We at Gamepedia are happy to have helped contribute to such an amazing game. If you want more information on Earthlock: Festival of Magic, be sure to visit their website, or the game’s Official Wiki! To keep up with our current contests be sure to follow us on Twitter @CurseGamepedia, and “like” us on Facebook!