New Expanded Suggest-A-Wiki!

Gaming News
Gaming News

We have been implementing some really amazing tools to make Gamepedia an even better community resource! Now, not only can wikis be suggested, but anyone who is already a wiki administrator and wishes to have their wikis moved over to Gamepedia for hosting has an easy way to do so! Have a favorite game you are passionate about and want to let other fans know all of the latest information? Let us better serve the community by pushing that button and telling us about it!

Are you a developer who wants to have your game’s wiki at Gamepedia? Click the Suggest-A-Wiki button and let us know! Every announcement made here on Gamepedia about an official wiki has come from partnerships with developers, both large and small. We love being able to work with such creative minds!

We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for being a part of Gamepedia and helping us continue to be not just a resource, but a fantastic, community-driven resource!