YouTube Round-Up: September 12th, 2014 Edition

Gaming News
Gaming News

Yes, it is that time once again for us to highlight the very best from Gamepedia’s YouTube channel, where we provide you with interesting, funny, and in the case of this week, somewhat controversial content for your eyeballs to enjoy. This week we delve into two of the hottest games out there, Hearthstone and Destiny, and things get a little hot under the collar… just not in the way you may think.

Continuing our coverage of Blizzard’s latest mega hit, we sat down with the guys over at Hearthstone Wiki and asked them to come up with a list of the ten most worthless cards in Hearthstone. Arguments were had, swords were drawn, villages were burned (sorry about that), but in the end we were able to come up with a list of the ten worst cards in the game.

You’re probably going to disagree with us on it, too.

We also took a closer look at three more classes in the game: the Priest, the Warrior, and the Mage. We wanted to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each, to give new players a preview of what they may be looking forward to.

So, the big thing about the Priest is his ability to heal and buff their minions. This not only allows you to keep your minions in the fight longer, if you find yourself at a disadvantage you can offset some of the enemy damage. If you make it to the late game, and have the right cards, you can turn your healing potency into some downright stupid powerful attacks, which can flip the tide of battle in a heartbeat.

Mages are spell-heavy decks that can dole out the harshness on enemies while keeping rival Heroes on their toes. In addition to having early-game minions that can be beefed up something fierce and lower the mana costs of your cards, in the late game Mages have the ability to dish out an incredible amount of damage and, if you’re not careful, can lead to you being steamrolled.

The Warrior is a brute, plain and simple. He’s all aggression, charging into fights and using his spells to stack armor and utilizing their many charge and enrage-gifted minions to raise hell. Warriors also have a wide range of different weapons, allowing them to attack minions and Heroes while freeing their minions to focus elsewhere.

The darling of gamers across the globe, Destiny is nothing short of breathtaking; a technical achievement that has given players the chance to explore not one, not two, but six different worlds. Naturally there’s some data to mine in them there hills, and our video team has been working hard on finding it and bringing it to you.

One of Destiny‘s most praised aspects has been the absurdly detailed character creator. Using the tools Bungie’s given, you’re able to create just about anything you could fathom. The options aren’t limitless, but there are a multitude of different combinations that make each and every person wandering the wastes of old Earth unique.

In addition to the look at character creation, we took some time to highlight fifteen interesting and helpful tips that will hopefully assist new players into jumping straight into the game without being that one. You know who I’m talking about. The ones that have questions every nine seconds and leave you wishing you had just played Hearthstone instead? Yeah. We want to help you avoid that.

Hot Pepper Gaming

Finally this week, we take a moment to highlight our benevolent overlord, Benjamin Tarsa. Back at E3, amidst the glitz and glamour of the video game industry’s Super Bowl, Benjamin was on Hot Pepper Gaming to talk about WikiConnect and how we’re reaching out to more independent game developers to help build their own communities… or, at least, that’s what we think he was trying to say. It’s kind of hard to talk when your mouth is engulfed in peppery flame, after all. Join all of us at Gamepedia in enjoying our boss suffer at the hands of the demon fruit, the habanero, while telling HPG and, indeed, all of the webbernets about our official Wiki partnership program and why its the smart choice for independent developers everywhere. Also, be thankful that you never got the hiccups five seconds after eating one of the spiciest things on the planet.

Poor guy.

Anyways, that’s it for this week! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to keep up to date on all of the video content we produce each and every week. Or, if you’re not really a regular YouTube kind of person (I’m sure there’s somebody out there who doesn’t use YouTube…), you can always swing on by every Friday to catch up on everything you missed.