YouTube Round-Up: October 24th, 2014 Edition

Gaming News
Gaming News

It’s that time of week once again, ladies and gentlemen, where we take a step back from the blog and highlight the incredible work being done by the folks over at the Gamepedia YouTube channel. This week we continue our looks at ArcheAge and Life is Feudal, as well as swing by longtime office favorites Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm before taking a minute to celebrate Halloween!

We start the week off with Life is Feudal. A huge part of the game is in building your own weapons and shelter to help you survive in an often unforgiving environment. Of course, to do this you’ll need tools, and we take a minute to teach you about the different tools in the game.

The very base tools in the game consist of little more than sticks and stones, which you can then build up into more efficient and useful toolsets as you progress. As your tools improve, so too do the structures, weapons, and other items you build.

Ah, ArcheAge – the game where it’s becoming increasingly obvious that you can do just about anything you want – has continued to take up a fair amount of our time as we continue to delve into discovering just what all you’re capable of accomplishing.

For instance, as the video above shows, you have up to 120 classes to choose from. Now, it’s not a list of 120 different classes, but rather a list of ten different skillsets to choose from. Whichever three you select will determine the class you play as. But, still – 120 classes!

Sometimes we need to just get away, and there are few ways better to do that – while also navigating the impressive oceans in ArcheAge – than securing your own ship. As you can see, there are a lot of seafaring vessels to choose from…

Yes, we’re still playing Hearthstone – mostly because we love Hearthstone to death. Can you blame us? It’s one of the most simplistically addicting card games out there and, in true Blizzard fashion, once you start playing you’ve suddenly found yourself at a loss for time…

Hearthstone has a pretty unique history in terms of its development, as well as a number of fun little factoids that many die hard players would enjoy knowing. So, we figure, why not take a minute to highlight some of ’em.

Sticking with Blizzard, we also went back to Heroes of the Storm to see what else we could mine from there. Unfortunately we were distracted by the many fantastic skins that the Heroes have to choose from, and in the end we shrugged our shoulders and decided to just show you some of our favorites.

…I don’t know how Lurkablo didn’t make this list, but I’ll be filing an official protest at some undetermined point in the future.

And finally…

Next week is Halloween, and to celebrate we revisit our very, very special friend Stampy. He’s invited his friend Aeso to join him in his lovely little world inside Minecraft, and… well, yeah.

Be sure to subscribe to the Gamepedia YouTube channel to stay up to date with all of our video content, and we’ll see you next week!