Top 7 Gifts in Video Game History

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Gaming News
Video Game Gifts

Whether it’s a birthday, graduation, or wedding – you’ve likely had to buy a present recently for a friend or family member. You probably waited til the last minute, panicked, and just purchased a gift card. It’s alright – happens to the best of us. The next time you’re in need of a gift, take some inspiration from this list of amazing, life-altering video game presents. As you probably guessed, there are lots of swords.

Gift Givers - Link Sword

The Legend of Zelda
Link’s Sword

Before exploring the vast and dangerous lands of Hyrule, Link needed a weapon. Luckily, the mysterious (and often unpredictable) old man was thoughtful enough to supply the young adventurer with a sword. He at least deserves partial credit for helping defeat Gannon and rescue Princess Zelda.



Gift Givers - Priscilla Amulet

Final Fantasy VII
Priscilla’s Amulet 

Cloud saved Priscilla’s life after defeating the menacing Bottomswell. A simple thank you would have been enough, but Priscilla is quite generous. She gifts Cloud her amulet – but it’s not just any old piece of jewelry. It’s actually the Summon Materia Shiva. 10/10 would rescue again.



Gift Givers - Zaalbar Sword

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Bacca’s Sword

Remember the intense encounter on Kashyyyk involving Zaalbar, Chuundar, and Freyyr? It’s quite a tangled, twisted web, but if you decided to overthrow Chuundar, Freyyr gifted Zaalbar with Bacca’s Ceremonial Blade. (If you follow the Dark Side, Chuundar hands over the blade in a similar manner. Also, how dare you.) The sword had been passed down through the generations, Chieftain after Chieftain. It was a symbol of strength, courage, and honor for Wookiee Chieftains – and Freyyr handed it over to Big Z.  



Gift Givers - Franklin House

Grand Theft Auto V
Franklin’s House

There’s a lot to love about Franklin’s house is GTA V. It has fantastic views, it’s impeccably decorated, and it was a somewhat self-serving gift from Lester. After what seemed like ages, Franklin was finally able to get away from his aunt and move into a place of his own. It may be empty, cold, and lonely, but it’s not like Franklin is there much anyway. Plus, it has an infinity pool.




Gift Givers - Raiden Blade

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Olga’s Blade

Solid Snake gives Raiden Olga’s High Frequency Blade, which is used to defeat Solidus Snake at the end of the game. Sure – maybe Olga wanted Raiden to have it, but Snake still passed it along. Luckily, he brought along the rest of Raiden’s gear as well. Without it, things may have gotten a little weird.



Gift Givers - Toad Stars

 Super Mario 64
Toad’s Secret Stars

Toad in Super Mario 64 thoughtfully gifts Mario with a couple secret stars throughout the game. You don’t have to rescue a baby penguin. You aren’t required to beat anyone in a race. You don’t even have to outrun a hungry, possessed piano. The little guy just hand them over when the opportunity arises. Mario would have never gotten all 120 stars without Toad.




Gift Givers - First Pokemon

Pokémon Red & Blue
Red’s First Pokémon

Professor Oak knows that the outside world is dangerous (especially tall grass). That’s why he gifts Red with a starter Pokémon in Pallet Town. Which one of the classic three do you always end up choosing? I have a special place in my heart for Bulbasaur…


Feeling inspired yet? I hope these fantastic gifts provided you with a few ideas. If you have any other in-game gifts that aren’t on the list, feel free to sound off in the comments below.