New Releases: February 1st – 7th

Gaming News
Gaming News


Game of Thrones Episode Two: The Lost Lords
has finally arrived. The game released today on PC, Mac, PS4, and PS3, and it will be available on Xbox One and Xbox 360 tomorrow. Additional new releases this week include Risk, SpongeBob HeroPants, and King Oddball. There are several indie games releasing this week as well, including Grow Home, Stay Dead Evolution, and Fractured Soul.

Tuesday, February 3rd

Criminal Girls: Invite Only (Vita)

SpongeBob HeroPants (Xbox 360, 3DS, Vita)

Apotheon (PC, PS4)

Risk (PS4, Xbox One)

Game of Thrones Episode Two: The Lost Lords (PC, PS4, PS3)

Kick and Fennick (Vita)

World Hunter (PS3)

King Oddball (PS3)

Reel Fishing: Master’s Challenge (Vita)

Astray (PC)

Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition (PC)

Rise of Incarnates (PC)

Wednesday, February 4th

Game of Thrones Episode Two: The Lost Lords (Xbox One, Xbox 360)

Ephemerid: A Musical Adventure (PC)

Grow Home (PC)

Stay Dead Evolution (PC)

Thursday, February 5th

Dolphin Up (Wii U)

Puzzle Monkeys (Wii U)

Tri-Strip (Wii U)


Castle in the Darkness (PC)

Cities XXL (PC)

Fractured Soul (PC)

Friday, February 6th

Bloop Reloaded (PC)

Crystal Story II (PC, Mac)

Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic (PC, Mac, Linux)

Ubinota (PC)