YouTube Round-Up: March 6, 2015

Gaming News
Gaming News

This week’s YouTube Round-Up includes tutorials, tips, hilarious parodies, and informational videos for some of your favorite video games, including Minecraft, Medieval Engineers, and Savage Lands. To be the first to hear about new videos, subscribe to the Gamepedia’s Channel on YouTube. If you have any suggestions for future videos, make sure to leave a comment for the video team! 

SFM – LifeCall Infomercial Parody Video

Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! Take a look at this SFM creation that parodies one of your favorite commercials ever.

Magic Farm 3: Harvest Getting Started Guide to Survive w/JadedCat

JadedCat shares the essentials on food, tools, and hunger in this information-packed video.

Magic Farm 3: Harvest – 12 Handy Tips You May Not Know!

Dash provides beginners with 12 useful tips for Magic Farm 3: Harvest, a complex gamepack for Minecraft assembled by JadedCat.

TERA: Fate of Arun – Establish Your Guild Fortress!

In this video, get a closer look at the second part of the Fate of Arun patch. Yes, guild fortresses are coming!

Medieval Engineers – How to Build a Catapult

Ascii shows you how to destroy castles and other structures by constructing a catapult in Medieval Engineers

Savage Lands – 10 Helpful Tips

New to Savage Lands? Ascii shares 10 useful tips for staying alive, including the best ways to fight, how to protect yourself from the cold, and where to mine gems.