Learn More About Psychological Stress in Darkest Dungeon

Gaming News
Gaming News
Darkest Dungeon

Darkest Dungeon has been in Early Access on Steam for several months now, and the game’s feedback has been very positive overall. It’s been described as “delightfully unforgiving” by one reviewer, and many others comment on the game’s addicting balance of frustration and enjoyment. Gamepedia has partnered with Red Hook Studios to present the Official Darkest Dungeon Wiki, your ultimate source for learning more about the game.

If you’re an avid gamer, you’ve likely ventured into a terrifying dungeon with a group of fearless adventurers, but Darkest Dungeon adds game elements that you’ve likely never encountered: horrors of the mind. How do disease, stress, and never-ending battle truly affect each individual? Even heroes with the strongest willpower could crumble under intense psychological pressure. Darkest Dungeon is a gothic, roguelike, turn-based RPG like you’ve never seen before, and the game’s success in Early Access is only a glimpse of what’s to come when the full version is released later this year. Additional game features include an intricately crafted art style, ten playable hero classes, and classic roguelike features such as meaningful permadeath and procedural dungeons.

Get a closer look at Darkest Dungeon in the Official Early Access Release Trailer below.

If you’re ready to face paranoia, stress, and terrifying monsters head on, grab Darkest Dungeon on Steam now while it’s still in Early Access. You can also follow the game on Facebook and Twitter to receive regular updates and the latest news. To learn more about the game’s classes, afflictions, monsters, or items, visit the Official Darkest Dungeon Wiki on Gamepedia.