10 Video Game Cities That Should Exist in Real Life

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A group of intrepid nerds have organized an Indiegogo campaign to bring one of the most iconic cities in fantasy literature to life. Peter Jackson’s version of Minas Tirith would make for a most impressive living experience. Can you imagine the block parties? Thing is, video games know a thing or two about creating fascinating and wonderful cityscapes that inspire our curiosity and imagination, and there are many of them that I would definitely choose to have residence in over the capital of Gondor.

10. Dark City Treno, Final Fantasy 9

Treno is a city of perpetual night, and it is one of the most cultured and diverse spots in all of Final Fantasy 9. There’s a huge art community there, with street performers and painters littering pretty much every available sidewalk. There’s a pronounced criminal element, but let’s focus on the good, here!

9. Rapture, Bioshock

This submerged city-state on the bottom of the ocean was supposed to be a land of opportunity. A place unhindered by societal pressures, Rapture quickly became a city of discovery and revolution. Quickly after that, it become a ghost town rife with death and addiction. Oops.

8. New Marias, Infamous 2

Based heavily on New Orleans, New Marias is the Gulf of Mexico city that Cole ends up in after the events of the first Infamous. New Marias is like the French Quarter of NOLA, but across an entire city – which is both exciting and overwhelming for anyone who’s been to Frenchmen Street on a weekend.


7. Val Royeaux, Dragon Age: Inquisition

Val Royeaux is an impressive city, architecturally speaking. Its buildings and streets are intricately molded, gilded with gold, and draped with grand tapestries. It’s the religious seat of Theadas – the Vatican of the game, if you will – and is also the epicenter of much of the intellectual progress that happens in the country. Too bad most of its residents are jerks.

6. Lea Monde, Vagrant Story

A bit of a tragic city, Lea Monde is equal parts stunningly beautiful and deeply disastrous. It’s clearly designed with Tuscan and French inspiration, as well as Spanish style cathedrals, but an earthquake left the place dilapidated and uninhabitable. Just don’t tell all the walking corpses that.

5. Rivet City, Fallout 3

Yes, Rivet is a product of necessity and a monument to the possibly futile nature of human survivalism. But living in a re-purposed battleship seemed so damn cool in Fallout 3. And we already have battleships in real life! We’re halfway there.

4. The Citadel, Mass Effect

This space metropolis is a meeting hub for all of the galaxy’s colorful inhabitants. It’s a technological marvel and filled to the brim with culture and spectacle. It’s also proof of the very mysterious nature of the galaxy, as no one knows when or how The Citadel was built. They just sorta started living there.

3. Columbia, Bioshock Infinite

We will have to get past the dubious nature in which the miraculous city of Columbia was made in order to enjoy its incredible potential. Like Rapture, it’s a city in a place a city shouldn’t be. A floating city in the sky, above the clouds and away from the world’s issues, is a dream that could have never lasted long, but we can dream.

2. Besaid Island, Final Fantasy X

The quintessential island paradise, it would be incredibly hard to live in Besaid and not smile all the time. The water is crystal clear, the beaches are pure and white, and all the food looks delicious. I wish I was there right now.

1. Darnassus, World of Warcraft

The purple-y night elf capital Darnassus is secluded on a remote island and shaded by the second World Tree, Teldrassil. The city is full of ancient groves, lush jungles, old temples, and majestic wildlife. It’s impossible not to stand in Darnassus and find it anything short of mystical and beautiful. The raw mix the power and grace of nature is on full display in this city.

Which video game city would you like to see come to life? Leave a comment about below, or tweet us @CurseGamepedia.