Unlocking your subclasses in Destiny 2 is a wee bit different this time around. In the the previous Destiny, gaining access to subclasses was a matter of simply leveling up, and maybe doing a few quests. But, no more. If you want to get your Golden Gun back here’s what you’ve got to do:
To begin, you have to be around level eight. Once you are, you can start grinding in public events. Do this until a loot chest drops containing a subclass Relic.
Once you’ve got a subclass relic, you’ll need to charge it up. Complete five to seven more public events and that’ll unlock a quest called Shard of the Traveller in the European Deadzone. Complete this quest and you’ll unlock an additional subclass. Take note, however, that the recommended level for the Shard of the Traveller quest is 50. If you want to get through it quickly, we recommend being level 100 or higher.
Rinse and repeat this process, and you’ll have all your subclasses unlocked in no time.
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