Every Major Character Who Dies in ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

Lawrence Yee
Movies Star Wars
Movies Star Wars

SPOILER ALERT: Warning, this article contains spoilers from Solo: A Star Wars Story. Proceed at your own risk.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is not as depressing and gloomy as Rogue One, but the film has plenty of casualties.

It is, after all, a story about thieves, and as the old adage goes, there’s no honor among thieves. Below are all the major characters from Solo that meet their end.

Rio Durant

Solo A Star Wars Story Train Heist
Rio is the first of Beckett's gang to die.

The wise-cracking member of Beckett’s gang provides much of the film’s early humor, cracking jokes about Wookiees. Sadly, Rio is killed during the train heist by a member of Enfys Nest’s rival gang. At first, Rio thinks it’s just a surface blaster wound, but he collapses and dies doing what he loves: piloting. His parting words to Han — “it’s no good to die alone” — foreshadows many of the deaths to come.


Solo A Star Wars Story Val
Val and Tobias were lovers.

Beckett’s longtime companion and love interest Val is initially wary of Han joining their gang. During the train heist, she is tasked with setting off the explosives that will derail the train, allowing Rio to fly away with the last train car carrying the precious coaxium fuel. Val comes under fire from both the robotic Vipers and Enfys Nest’s Mauraders. Under heavy fire and unable to set off the explosives remotely, Val blows herself and the bridge up. Her sacrifice is for naught, as the Marauders clamp onto the last train car with harpoons. A tug of war ensues, and Han releases the clamps, causing the train car to crash into the mountainside and explode.


Solo A Star Wars Story L3
It's insinuated that L3 and Lando were lovers, as well.

Lando’s robotic co-pilot (and potential lover) L3-37 dies in a blaze of glory on Kessel. She’s able to free all the enslaved droids on the mining planet and guide Han to the coaxium deposits. As they are fleeing, L3 get caught in the crossfire and is ripped apart by blaster fire. Lando tries to rescue her, and is shot as well. He’s only able to salvage her head — which contains the best star maps in the galaxy. Eventually, he is able to incorporate L3 into the Millenium Falcon’s navigational computer, so she lives on in a sense.

Dryden Vos

Solo: A Star Wars Story Dryden Vos
Dryden Vos died at the hands of someone he trusted.

The crime lord Dryden Vos meets his end during the standoff between him and Han. Vos is doublecrossed by his “top lieutenant” Qi’ra, who engages him in a sword fight. His dagger gets caught in Qi’ra’s blade, which she then plunges into his chest. While it appears Qi’ra kills Vos to save Han’s life, it’s revealed at the end she does so to claim leadership of the Crimson Dawn syndicate, flying away on Vos’ yacht.

Tobias Beckett

Solo A Star Wars Story Tobias Beckett
If Han didn't shoot first, Tobias would have.

During Han and Vos’ fight, Beckett slips away, forcing Chewbacca to carry the coaxium to an escape vessel. Han catches up with them, and after a verbal exchange, shoots Beckett before he can shoot him (a reference to the infamous “Han shot first” meme). As Beckett dies, he reiterates his dream — to retire with Val and learn to play the valichord.

Lawrence Yee
Lawrence is Editor in Chief of FANDOM. He grew up loving X-Men, Transformers, and Japanese-style role playing games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. First-person shooters make him incredibly nauseous.