The Grudge is a long-running series of terrifying horror movies that originated from two Japanese short horror films in 1998. These short films were adapted into a feature film, the 2000 Japanese movie Ju-On: The Curse, and its several haunting sequels, including an American remake and a Japanese reboot. The impact of these movies continues to reverberate globally as fans from all over have embraced and engaged with this beloved series. Whether it’s dressing in cosplay, attending themed events, or just counting themselves as part of the franchise’s fan community – it’s clear that The Grudge has a loyal fanbase of horror-movie lovers who just can’t get enough of the story and the terror it unleashes.
With a brand-new, haunting vision of The Grudge coming in 2020, now’s the time to look forward to the terrifying experience that lies ahead for audiences of the new film.