HBO just released the second trailer for the upcoming seventh season of Game Of Thrones and oh my GOD, it is EVERYTHING! It’s hard to know what it all means with no context, but here’s a brief rundown of a few things that caught our interest in the two-minute trailer.
We see Sansa presumably at Winterfell and hear Littlefinger’s ominous advice to “fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind.”
There are a few shots of Daenerys at Dragonstone, the Targaryen ancestral home. We also get a beautiful shot of the dragons flying towards it.
This is obviously going to be a season filled with battles, including one at sea involving Dany’s dragons, which apparently leaves Theon and Yara stunned. We also get a shot of Euron Greyjoy, supposedly this season’s “big bad” (i.e. the new Joffrey or Ramsay) towards the end of the trailer.
There are also glimpses of the Unsullied invading King’s Landing and of the Dothraki on horseback accompanied by one of the dragons.
We see Jon Snow and the other Northerners fighting the Night King and the White Walkers and we also get an absolutely badass shot of Beric Dondarrion holding a flaming sword.
But perhaps the most intriguing part of the whole trailer is when we hear Jon saying “for centuries our families fought together against their common enemy”. Who is he talking to and is he speaking as a Stark or as a Targaryen? WE WANT TO KNOW! Why can’t it be July 16 already?
The trailer ends in epic fashion with Sansa’s ominous portent “when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives” as Jon defeats someone in battle. Could this mean another Stark death is coming? It certainly doesn’t sound good.
Game Of Thrones Season 7 premieres July 16, 2017, on HBO.