QUIZ: Which ‘Game of Thrones’ House Do You Belong To?

Mike Delaney
TV Game of Thrones
TV Game of Thrones

Winter is coming! Well, it’s basically here. More accurately, Season 7 of Game of Thrones is almost here. Finally, the long wait is almost over and we’re getting hyped for our return to Westeros.

Stark. Lannister. Targaryen. These are the Houses that will decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. But which House do you belong to? Are you a member of the proud but bloodied House Stark? Or are you one of the wealthy and manipulative Lannisters? Let’s find out!

Here’s a helpful personality quiz to help you find out which Game of Thrones house you belong to…

Which House did you get? Was it the one you expected? Or was there a surprise?

Share your results with @getfandom!

Mike Delaney
Mike Delaney is a Partnerships Manager, Entertainment and specialises in all forms of entertainment. Star Wars fan and general pop culture addict. Knows more about fictional universes than the real one.