Brace yourself as our legendary ninja from the thrilling new series, NINJAGO: Dragons Rising, face an unthinkable dilemma — suddenly torn apart, with no clear way back. That’s what has happened to our favourite LEGO® NINJAGO warriors who find themselves isolated in an unfamiliar realm, forced to navigate treacherous terrain in search of their path home. As the shadows of uncertainty loom over their journey, the fate of NINJAGO hangs in the balance. Get ready to embark on an adrenaline-fueled ride where every twist and turn ignites excitement, leaving you on the edge of your seat.
There’s lots to know ahead of this exciting and action-packed new adventure, including a generation of heroes that have to take on the biggest task of all: saving the world.
Strap yourself in — here’s everything you need to know about the next NINJAGO adventure.
What’s happened to our heroes?
Long story short, it’s called The Merge. The many legendary realms have been combined into one, with NINJAGO now being home to 16 other realms that all appear as wildly different settings. But, this merging of the realms is dangerous, as the one super-realm is unstable thanks to MergeQuakes. And they’re just growing more and more destructive.
As a result of The Merge, the ninja and Elemental Masters we know and love have disappeared, only to reappear separated and spread out all across this unstable realm. They can each use their Elemental powers to stop the MergeQuakes temporarily, but they need to tap into a stronger power — ancient Source Dragon Energy.
What ninja are returning in NINJAGO: Dragons Rising?
You can count on plenty of NINJAGO legends returning, like Lloyd, Cole, Jay, Nya, Zane and Kai. Of course, they’ll be split up, which means we’ll be following their adventures one by one as they try to survive this new, unstable world.
Lloyd has a huge responsibility, though. Having wound up at the Monastery, he now has to teach a new generation of heroes that will, hopefully, end up being able to step in and help prevent their new world from being destroyed.
Who are the new heroes in NINJAGO: Dragons Rising?
Lloyd’s students are under a lot of pressure, to say the very least. So it’s probably worth getting to know the young heroes whose shoulders bear the literal fate of NINJAGO.
You’ve got Arin, who is a ninja superfan. We’re talking complete stan. Don’t let his fanboy demeanour fool you — NINJAGO: Dragons Rising might see this superfan become superhero thanks to Lloyd’s training.
Right by Arin’s side is Sora, who is a master at everything tech. She has the type of confidence and quick thinking that’s bound to come in handy under Lloyd’s mentorship. In fact, Sora might be on her own quest to unlock her full potential and unleash power that could be crucial to save NINJAGO.
Who are the villains of NINJAGO: Dragons Rising?
Menacing and ruthless, Empress Beatrix is the sovereign ruler of the shadowy Imperium, one of the realms. You can imagine what she has set out to do — rule each and every one of the merged realms, and thereby rule all of NINJAGO.
With an army of brutal Claw Hunters, including Dragon Hunter Rapton and leader of the Claws of Imperium Lord Ras, Beatrix seeks to use the same Source Dragon Energy to exploit the power of the elemental dragons to help her on her quest for world domination.
There’s also Doctor Larow, Sora’s former mentor. Though he’s heralded as a national hero by The Imperium for his work in science and technology, he’s using it for evil. In fact, he’s turned Sora’s own invention against her to bring harm to dragons.
When will NINJAGO: Dragons Rising air?
The first phase of NINJAGO: Dragons Rising is set to air on Netflix, YouTube and Cartoon Network from June 1, 2023.