As the gaming universe continues to rush forward with new devices and upgrades, it is important to take stock of the advantages that PC Gaming still has over other consoles. While there are many options for gamers to indulge in now, there are several reasons why they should still consider opting for PC over the other options.
Whether it is the various elements of PC Gaming that are adaptable to different users’ needs or the fact that consoles are still lagging in terms of their features when compared to PC Gaming, the PC gamer has several advantages over the console gamer for several reasons.
Firstly, with PC Gaming, you can customize everything! From internal to external, much like a certain superhero recently, you can build your own system to suit your own specific needs. (don’t forget that you can switch displays from one direction to another – you don’t have to take them out and put them back in again!) You can upgrade your PC as you go as well, which is another advantage over consoles, as upgrading those often means simply purchasing the latest model.
As mentioned, the PC gaming industry features a faster upgrade turnaround. Gaming consoles tend to be released every few years, with gen 1, gen 2 etc each becoming marginally better than its predecessor. However, there is a seemingly constant supply of PC upgrades to choose from, meaning that the PC gamer will always remain ahead of the curve when it comes to holding on to the highest quality of devices.
The advantage of the presence of Mods with PC Gaming remains, potentially, the biggest advantage that it has over console gaming. While this may change in the future, at present there are limited options to add mods to console games. This lack of ability to improve graphics, add textures, and improve gameplay elements means that console gaming is still flagging behind PC gaming for the time being.
The higher quality of PC graphics continues to dominate all other consoles, despite impressive inroads that have been made. Higher spec CPUs and GPUs are winning in the field as they are still way out in front of the rest in terms of their quality and speed. High frame rates and detailed resolutions are the domain of PC Gaming, over many of the competitors — they are still the leaders in this particular area. The Omen 15 & 17 laptops are certainly able to handle the most demanding graphics.
Streaming and Steam
The Steam Gaming Platform is a platform where you can browse, buy, or launch your games, with advantages over both Playstation and Xbox stores. One such advantage is that older games tend to have a higher discount on Steam, which instantly makes it more attractive to users. What is also attractive here is that multiplayer platforms are free to join on PC Gaming, where both Playstation and Xbox charge fees to join up to these services.
Consoles definitely have several games that will be exclusive to those platforms for the foreseeable future, but when it comes to sheer choice in terms of gaming, PC Gaming is way out in front. There are simply more games available on this platform than any other, which also introduces some juggernauts before they make it to console – Minecraft being among them.
Ease Of Access And VR
There is also a much easier controlling platform for PC Gaming. All consoles come with controllers, whether it be a dedicated Playstation joypad or Xbox controller. For a PC, the user can opt to use a mouse, a keyboard or even a VR headset. In fact, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive both require such heavy computing speeds that console gaming really cannot deliver where PC Gaming can.
Display And Gameplay
Finally, while consoles are of course compatible with both TV screens and monitors, there are several features that are specific to PC Gaming monitors that make them again the more attractive platform to use. Consoles are generally designed to work with a 16:9 TV screen, while PC’s can be configured to work better with the much wider 21:9 aspect. This allows for far better peripheral vision when it comes to gaming, allowing the PC user to have a wider scope. There is also the very advantageous eye-tracking technology, which allows the monitor’s aspect to change based on where the player’s eyes are looking. Potentially disturbing; definitely impressive.
As it stands, PC Gaming is the first choice when it comes to gaming in general. It beats the competitors in its ease of access, its reliability and its adaptability. There is simply so much more on offer with PC Gaming that the consoles have, as yet, been unable to offer any real competition for. While that is not to say that there are no benefits to console gaming as a whole, it is still fair to say that with the options it offers, PC gaming continues to rule the roost.
This list is presented by HP Omen, laptops specifically build for the best performance. Check out what they have to offer here.