The Evolution of ‘Scream’

Movies Horror
Movies Horror

For the last 25 years, Ghostface has stalked, stabbed, and slashed his way through Woodsboro and beyond in all four Scream movies. But it’s time for a new person – or people – to take up the Ghostface mantle in 2022’s Scream. A fresh group of students are targeted by a ruthless killer, and it’s up to Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, and Dewey Riley to solve the murders… Again. But before you return to Woodsboro with the gang, let’s look at the evolution of Scream.

Oh, and for anyone who hasn’t watched all the Scream movies so far, this is your official spoiler warning!

An Entertainment Journalist who frequently rants on Twitter (@EammonJacobs) about how great Tron: Legacy is.